46 XY Gonodal Dysgenesis
Nesibe Akyürek 1 * , Mehmet Emre Atabek 1, Beray Selver Eklioğlu 1, Sevil Arı Yuca 1
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1 Selcuk Universty School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Diseases, Endocrinology Section, Konya, Turkey* Corresponding Author


46,XY disorder of sex development (46,XY DSD) is characterized by a 46,XY karyotype, ambiguous genitalia with mild to severe penoscrotal hypospadias ,dysgenetic testes, reduced to no sperm production, and müllerian structures that range from absent to presence of a fully developed uterus and fallopian tubes. 46,XY complete gonadal dysgenesis is characterized by a 46,XY karyotype, normal female external genitalia, completely undeveloped streak gonads, no sperm production, and presence of normal müllerian structures and often not diagnosed until puberty when secondary sexual characteristics fail to develop. The diagnosis of 46,XY DSD and 46,XY gonodal dysgenesis relies on clinical findings, gonadal histology, chromosome analysis testing to detect changes in genes.Because of increased risk for gonadal tumors(most commonly dysgerminoma) abdominal streak gonads should be surgically removed . Typically, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is required from puberty onward. Here we describe the clinical, endocrinological and molecular data of a patient with complete 46, XY gonadal dysgenesis.


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Article Type: Case Report

EUR J GEN MED, Volume 9, Issue 4, October 2012, 292-294


Publication date: 10 Oct 2012

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