Aesthetics of numerical proportions in human cosmetic surgery (Assessment of nasolabial angle in patients undergoing rhinoplasty before and after surgery)
Zhaleh Shahbazi 1, Hossein Ardalani 2 *
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1 PHD student philosophy of ART, Department of Art and Architecture, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran2 Assistant professor, Department of ART and Architecture, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran* Corresponding Author


Beauty is a universal phenomenon and debate over what constitutes beauty particularly beauty to human body, has raged since philosophy began. The beauty of individual features depends on “ideal” proportions, and it is suggested that expressing beauty in terms of geometry is possible. Assessment of some used parameters in facial surgeries and harmony of various facial features are essential to surgeon, who requires facial analysis. One of these parameters, is nasolabial angle, in patients undergoing rhinoplasty. This study based on theoretical definitions of beauty and proportions performed the search for the application of this numerical proportions in modern cosmetic surgery. Present study has selected 23 samples (16 (69.5%) female and 7 (30.5%) male) from patients who undergoing rhinoplasty, By a surgeon. The nasolabial angle was measured in these patients from their lateral profile photographs with adobe Photoshop cc, pre and post surgery. Ideal post operative angle was 111.54 ± 26.5 degrees from this study. 18.8◦ increase in male and 14.68◦ increase in female is seen. There was no significant difference between men and women.


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Article Type: Original Article

ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 15, Issue 6, December 2018, Article No: em97

Publication date: 10 Dec 2018

Online publication date: 14 Jul 2018

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