Analysis of Disability due to Diabetes Mellitus in a Large City
Akmaral Tanirbergenova 1 * , Maksut Kamaliev 2, Zhanay Akanov 3, Alfiya Igissenova 1
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1 Asfendiyarov National Medical University, Almaty, KAZAKHSTAN2 Kazakhstan's School of Public Health, Almaty, KAZAKHSTAN3 Kazakh Society for Study of Diabetes, Almaty, KAZAKHSTAN* Corresponding Author


Significance. A majority of people with diabetes are unaware of having diabetes complications. When not well managed, all types of diabetes can lead to complications in many parts of the body, resulting in disabilities and early death.
Purpose. To study the dynamics of the disability of the population of Almaty (Republic of Kazakhstan) due to diabetes
Material and methods. Data was collected from the registries of medical records in the Republic Center of Electronic Healthcare, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Department of Labor, social protection and migration in Almaty for the period from 2013 to 2017. The object of the study was 651 patients – residents of Almaty, suffering from diabetes mellitus, who were identified as a «disabled child», I, II and III disability groups during the initial examination in 2013-2017 by the territorial departments of medical and social expertise. There were 298 disabled people due to type 1 diabetes, and 353 disabled people due to type 2 diabetes. The study group consisted of 309 women and 342 men. The paper uses data from medical and social examination records, extracts from the medical history and outpatient cards of disabled people suffering from diabetes.
Statistical methods the analysis in the research was carried out on the basis of descriptive statistics: average values and standard deviations.
Results.  Majority of disabled people had decompensated disease. Diabetic retinopathy observed in 29.63 ± 0.06%, including among disabled people of 1st degree is 12.0%, among disabled people of 2nd degree is 42.0%, among disabled people of 3rd degree - 46.0%. Diabetic nephropathy (stage 3 or more) was detected in 22.92% ± 0.03%, including chronic renal failure. Diabetic foot syndrome over five years averaged 19.69 ± 0.04%. Of these: 1st degree disabled people - 15.3%, 2nd degree - 76.3%, 3rd degree - 8.4%. In last 5 years amputations between people with disabilities due to diabetes averaged 12.63 ± 0.02%. Amputation of one or both lower limbs is an irreversible process; it is also the most serious complication of diabetes.
Discussion. The results are stated that the indicator of disability due to diabetes among the population of the city of Almaty is affected by type II diabetes adult contingents of the population and type I diabetes more often by children and adolescents. Severe complications (diabetic retinopathy, diabetic nephropathy, diabetic foot syndrome and limb amputation), early disability, premature death put this disease on a par with global health problems.


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Article Type: Original Article

ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 18, Issue 1, February 2021, Article No: em271

Publication date: 29 Dec 2020

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