The mobilization and transport of patients, repetitive movements, prolonged standing work, and lack of rest due to double work in the majority, are important risk factors that produce in nursing work. If this is added to an inadequate posture and incorrect application of the principles of body mechanics, the risk increases. The objective of this study was to determine the causes of complications related to the non-correct application of body mechanics in nursing personnel. To this end, the research question is: with the incorrect application of body mechanics increases the complications presented by the nursing staff working in this service. The responses received show that the staff is aware of body procedure techniques that do not apply and that most have nervous complications. Taking into account the above, frequent training of nurses is recommended, as well as the use of the manual of ergonometric techniques that guarantees the conservation of health.
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Article Type: Original Article
ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 17, Issue 2, April 2020, Article No: em192
Publication date: 23 Feb 2020
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