Cardiac Iron Load and Novel P-Wave Measurements in Patients with Thalassemia Major: The role of P index and Interatrial Block
Kadir Acar 1 * , Mehmet Kayrak 2, Enes Elvin Gul 2, Turyan Abdulhalikov 2, Orhan Özbek 3, Ramazan Uçar 4
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1 Department of Hematology, Gazi School of Medicine, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey2 Department of Cardiology, Meram School of Medicine, Konya University, Konya, Turkey3 Department of Radiology, Meram School of Medicine, Konya University, Konya, Turkey4 Department of Internal Medicine, Meram School of Medicine, Konya University, Konya, Turkey* Corresponding Author


The deleterious effects of cardiac iron load on the ventricular repolarization were demonstrated in beta-thalassemia major (β-TM), but little is known about the P wave measurements, an independent risk factor for development of atrial fibrillation (AF). We aimed to examine relationship between P-wave parameters and iron loading using cardiac T2* Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in asymptomatic β-TM patients. The study involved 22 β-TM patients and 22 age- and gender-matched healthy controls. Although P-wave parameters were within normal limits, P max, P min, and Pi were significantly prolonged in the β-TM group compared to the healthy controls (p=0.005, p=0.01, and p=0.03, respectively). Pd was found similar between groups (p=0.46). The prevalence of partial IAB was increased in patients with β-TM (p=0.001) and complete IAB was detected only in one patient. P-wave parameters of patients with cardiac T2*<20 msec and T2*>=20 msec were comparable in patients with β-TM. There was no correlation between P-wave parameters and cardiac T2*MRI values. The present study demonstrated that P-wave measurements were slightly affected in β-TM patients with preserved LV functions and this influence was not related with cardiac T2*MRI values. We concluded that the effect of β-TM on the AF development is still controversial.


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Article Type: Original Article

EUR J GEN MED, Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2012, 45-51

Publication date: 10 Jan 2012

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