Common Late-Onset Subcortical Cerebral Hemorrhage Following Excessive Alcohol Consumption
Ali Kemal Sivrioğlu 1, Murat Velioğlu 2, Mehmet İncedayı 2, Serkan Arıbal 2, Güner Sönmez 2, Çınar Başhekim 2
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1 Aksaz Military Hospital, Mugla, Turkey2 GATA Haydarpasa Teaching Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey


50 year old male patient who was suffering from cooperation disorder and bilaterally blindness was admitted to our emergency service. He was addicted to alcohol and had excessive alcohol consumption the day before. Cranial nonenhanced CT was normal. T2 weighed MR imaging performed at 1,5 T unit showed high signal intensity in bilateral putaminal foci.In this localization diffusion-weighed images(DWI) were hyperintense due to restricted diffusion and low ADC values. After two weeks, drowsiness and confusion were appeared suddenly. Cranial nonenhanced CT was showed extensive subcortical white matter and basal ganglia abnormalities consistent with edema and hemorrhagic changes. The patient was transferred to intensive care unit and died after one day. In methanol intoxication, cerebral and intraventricular hemorrhage, cerebellar necrosis, diffuse cerebral edema, bilateral subcortical white matter necrosis and edema were defined It should also be known that 2 or 3 weeks after ingestion of methyl alcohol, the deterioration of the patient’s general situation is responsible for cerebral subcortical hemorrhage. We have also thought that patients’ mortality and morbidity can be reduced with radiological imaging due to early diagnosis.


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Article Type: Case Report

EUR J GEN MED, Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2013, 59-62

Publication date: 09 Jan 2013

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