In this study, it was aimed to find the percentage of the non-familial and familial cases and comparison of their characteristic susing 2004 Canadian criteria in our cancer patients. The data from the files of 200 patients with histopathologically proven gastric cancer registered in our Medical Oncology Clinic were evaluated between January 2001 and December 2005. In our study, the ratio of familial cases is 10%. The mean ages of the patients are 56.44±0.78 in non-familial group and 53.30±2.90 in familial group. There were 113 males (62.77%), 67 females (37.23%) in non-familial group and 14 males (70%), 6 females (30%) in familial group. Histological types in familial and non-familial groups are; intestinal type 23.8% (n:3) and 75.23% (n:82); diffuse type 76.92% (n:10) and 24.77% (n:27) (p<0.01), respectively. The rate of cancers in localized stages are 5% (n:1) and 26,67% (n:48); where as the rates of advanced-stage cancers were 95% (n:19) and 73.33% (n:132) (p<0.01) in familial and non-familial groups respectively. Non-familial patients were 9.38% (n:12) Hp negative and 90.62% (n:116) were Hp positive where as familial cases were 100% (n:13) Hp positive (p<0.01). Blood groups in familial and non-familial groups are; Group A were 33.33% (n=2) and 58.46% (n:38); group B were 16.67% (n:1) and 10.77% (n:7), group O were 50% (n:3) and 29.23% (n:19) respectively. One patient (1.54%) in non-familial group was AB positive. Endoscopic screening should strongly be suggested in cases of unexplained upper abdominal complaints, especially for those people living in rural area in Van region.
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Article Type: Original Article
EUR J GEN MED, Volume 12, Issue 1, January 2015, 32-37
Publication date: 07 Jan 2015
Article Views: 1371
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