Introduction: Crohn’s disease (CD) is a lifelong, progressive inflammatory condition of the bowel that adversely influences the quality of life. Diagnosis of CD can be challenging, as there is no trusted gold standard diagnostic procedure. Ileocolonoscopy cannot investigate the entire small bowel due to small bowel morphology. Multislice Computed Tomography (MSCT) improves small bowel imaging and has established a crucial role for Computed Tomography Enterography (CTE).
Objective: This study investigated an association between CTE and histopathology in the evaluation of the activity of small bowel CD.
Materials and Methods: A retrospective study was used to collect eligible cases. The sample size was a consecutive sampling of 98 patients with known CD. The patients underwent biopsy by ileocolonoscopy-guided retrograde terminal ileum intubation. Subjects were scanned with CTE for confirmation of the diagnosis, detection of complications, and further evaluation of CD. A Chi-Square test was performed to determine the association between CTE radiological pathological findings and CTE grading.
Results: The peak prevalence of Crohn’s activity occurred between the ages of 20–30 years. Definitive clinical presentations of CD include diarrhea, abdominal pain, and weight loss, frequently followed by a chronic deteriorating progression, with distinct variations in the type and severity of symptoms. Fisher exact test showed that there is a statistically significant association between radiological pathological findings of CTE and CTE diagnostic grading of CD (0.05, 2-sided). Moreover, there is a relationship between radiological pathological findings of CTE and histopathological findings.
Conclusions: The CTE radiological pathological findings demonstrate an association with the histopathological findings of CD. The CTE findings may be helpful for the differential diagnosis and planning of treatment strategy.
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Article Type: Original Article
ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 18, Issue 6, December 2021, Article No: em330
Publication date: 04 Nov 2021
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