Conjunctiva Limbal Autograft with Fibrin Glue for Capillary Hemangioma
Yasar Sakarya 1 * , Rabia Sakarya 1, Muammer Ozcimen 1, Selcuk Kara 1
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1 Konya Training and Research Hospital Department of Ophthalmology, Konya, Turkey* Corresponding Author


To present reversal of sensation of conjunctival limbal autograft. A 48-year-old female presented with red-colored mass in the left eye involving the temporal bulbar conjunctiva and limbus. It was vascular, elevated, compressible and immobile. Excisional biopsy, and conjunctiva limbal autgrafting with fibrin glue was performed, and histopathologic examination confirmed the diagnosis of capillary hemangioma of conjunctiva. Sensation of conjunctival autograft was measured at each month with Cochet-Bonnet esthesiometer for six months. Sensation of conjunctival autograft was none at first month and reached to normal level at fourth month. Conjunctiva limbal autograft with fibrin glue obtained good cosmesis for management of capillary hemangioma.Conjunctival autograft had no sensation at first month. Its sensation gradually increased and returned to normal level after 4 month.


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Article Type: Case Report

EUR J GEN MED, Volume 12, Issue 4, October 2015, 350-352

Publication date: 15 Oct 2015

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