Coping, Anxiety and Depression in Turkish Patients with Cancer
Elanur Y. Karabulutlu 1 * , Mehmet Bilici 2, Kerim Çayır 2, Salim Başol Tekin 2, Ragibe Kantarcı 3
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1 Atatürk University, Faculty of Health Science, Erzurum, Turkey2 Atatürk University, Medical Faculty, Medical Oncology Department, Erzurum, Turkey3 Erzurum Education Research Hospital, Erzurum, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Aim: This study was performed to determine the levels of depression and anxiety, and coping strategies, and the effects of the levels of depression and anxiety on strategies for coping with stress in cancer patients. Method: The study was designed as a definitive and correlation searching investigation and has been performed at the Medical Oncology Clinic of Ataturk University Research Hospital between the dates July-August 2005. The study was carried out on 96 cancer patients. The question form prepared with the purpose of determining demographic and disease-related features (type of treatment, duration of disease and treatment) of the patients, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD), Strategies for Coping with Stress Scale in collecting the data. Result: It was determined that the type of treatment of 84.4% of the patients was chemotherapy only and mean duration of disease was 15.02±14.05 months, mean duration of treatment was 14.05±14.16 months. Anxiety was determined in 61.5% and depression in 81.3% of the patients. It has been found that patient benefited most from social support seeking strategy. This has been followed by problem solving strategy and avoidance strategy. A positive, statistically significant relationship was found between the avoidance strategy, and anxiety and depression levels of the patients. Conclusion: Patients experience moderate anxiety and depression. It was concluded that patients recruited active coping strategies mostly. Patients are observed to avoid stressful events with the increasing levels of anxiety and depression.


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Article Type: Original Article

EUR J GEN MED, Volume 7, Issue 3, July 2010, 296-302

Publication date: 12 Jul 2010

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