Lack of physical activity is associated with the causes of illness, death and incapacitation. To determine the level of physical activity and the presence of depression, and level of correlation between physical activity and the appearance of depression in patients. In clinic family medicine, with pilot study, in the first half of 2010 years, through the Interview with 141 patients, completed the questionnaires: International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9). The data were processed according to the instructions for questionnaires for PHQ-9 and IPAQ. The tested patients were aged 18-69 years, median 44 years (± 14.3). Of the total number of respondents 104 (73.76%) had values of PHQ-9 score ≤ 4. The largest number of respondents during the week 73 (51.77%) had moderate 23 (16.31%) low and 45 (31.91%), vigorous physical activity. Low levels of physical activity is present in people with depression PHQ-9 score of ≥ 5, which require treatment, as compared to subjects whose PHQ-9 score for depression ≤ 4 but no statistically significant difference p>0.05 (χ²=2.477; df=2). With increasing physical activity in patients with PHQ-9 score ≤ 4, increases are the value of the correlation is R2 = 0.85. And vice versa in patients whose PHQ-9 score above 5, with increasing PHQ-9 score reduces the variables for physical activity (R2 = 0.90). Moderate physical activity is associated with a reduction of depression. Physical activity in all age groups is essential for the promotion of health.
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Article Type: Original Article
EUR J GEN MED, Volume 9, Issue 2, April 2012, 75-80
Publication date: 10 Apr 2012
Article Views: 1562
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