Aim: In the assessment of meniscal tears, diagnostic accuracy of 0.2 Tesla (T) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was investigated and compared with arthroscopy as standard of reference. Method: 340 patients suspected with meniscal tears were examined by 0.2 Tesla open MRI unit. 47 of the patients underwent arthroscopy. The arthroscopy results were compared with interpretations of MRI retrospectively. Result: In detecting meniscal tears with 0.2 T MRI, sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic accuracy were 90%, 88,2%, 89,4% for medial meniscal tears and 91%, 91,6%, 91,5% for lateral meniscal tears, respectively. Conclusion: O.2 T MRI is effective in detecting meniscal tears and can be safely use in detecting the meniscal pathologies.
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Article Type: Original Article
EUR J GEN MED, Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2011, 31-35
Publication date: 11 Jan 2011
Article Views: 1393
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