Diagnostic and therapeutic particularities of a case admitted for low back pain and sciatica
Monica Adriana Marinescu 1 2 , Madalin Guliciuc 3 4 , Adrian Cornel Maier 1 4 , Iulia Olaru 3 4 , Roxana-Elena Bogdan-Goroftei 4 5 , Raisa Eloise Barbu 5 , Raul Mihailov 3 4 * , Valerii Lutenco 3 4 , Dorel Firescu 4
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1 Emergency Military Hospital Galati, Galati, ROMANIA2 Doctoral School, “Lower Danube” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Galati, ROMANIA3 Clinical Emergency Hospital, Galati, ROMANIA4 Dunarea de Jos University, Galati, ROMANIA5 Emergency Clinical Hospital for Children, “St. Ioan”, Galati, ROMANIA* Corresponding Author


Foreign bodies inserted urethral represent urological emergencies. Self-insertion of foreign bodies is a common practice, especially during states of pathological masturbation. Recently, presentations in emergency rooms with this type of pathology are becoming more frequent. Most of the time, the patient presents late, with the presentation being preceded by the onset of painful, inflammatory, or infectious symptoms. In this study we present the case of a male patient with self-insertion of a urethral foreign body that migrated to the urinary bladder, presented after a period of 15 years in the neurology ward, with neurological and infectious urinary symptoms.


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Article Type: Case Report

ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 22, Issue 1, February 2025, Article No: em630


Publication date: 07 Feb 2025

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