Aim: In this study, the reason of the acute renal failure (ARF) clinic features and results of it has examined as retrospectively. Methods: In this study, the etiology, clinical features and outcome of acute renal failure (ARF) evaluted retrospectively in the Anatolian region of Turkey. Above mentioned features were examined retrospectively in 36 ARF cases (mean age 31.6±6.8, range 17-46), related to pregnancy between 1997 and 2001. Results: The ARF has developed approximately on the 30th gestational week. The reasons of ARF were; HELLP Syndrome and preclampsia (44%) in 16 cases, postpartum hemorrhage in 7 cases (19%), placenta detachment in 5 cases (14%), septic or spontaneous abortion in 5 cases (14%), and eclampsia in 3 cases. The 5 cases related to the abortion were seen (14%) in the first trimester and others were developed (86%) in the third trimester or postpartum period. In 9 cases (25%) there were intrauterine dead. In 24 of the ARF cases (67%) had hypertension at the time of the diagnosis whereas six cases (17%) had hypotension related to the vaginal bleeding. All cases had oliguria and the avarage duration was 4.8±8.7 (2-27) days. The avarage of the staying period in the hospital was 11.7±7.6 ( 4-28 )days. Hemodialysis was applied to 17 cases (47%), and not needed for 19 cases (53%). Conclusion: ARF related to the pregnancy was seen commonly in the third or the later pregnancies and the most common reasons were HELLP Syndrome, placenta detachment, and postpartum hemorrhage and resulted in a high risk condition for fetal and maternal mortality therefore, we think that the number of the pregnancies should be limited and especially multipar pregnancies must be closely controlled for ARF.
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Article Type: Original Article
EUR J GEN MED, Volume 2, Issue 3, July 2005, 110-113
Publication date: 15 Jul 2005
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