Background: Participation in the organ donation process is a part of the expected activities in the nursing profession and nurses play a major role in this regard. Providing correct information by nurses increases the number of organ donors and it requires knowledge and positive attitude towards organ donation. The present study was conducted with the aim of evaluating the effect of clinical scenario-based educational workshop and re-thinking on the knowledge and attitude of head nurses and clinical supervisors working in Valiasr Hospital of Fasa in southwestern of Iran in 2019.
Materials and Methods: This was a pre-test and post-test type of quasi-experimental study. A total of 50 head nurses and clinical supervisors were randomly divided into intervention and control groups (each group contained 25 subjects). Reflective thinking and clinical scenario-based educational program was implemented for the intervention group in four sessions, 2 hours per session. Then, the mean score of knowledge and attitude in both groups was assessed before, immediately and one month after intervention. Data were analyzed using independent t-test ،Chi-square and ANOVA through SPSS, version 22, software.
Results: The attitude (P=0.47) and knowledge (P=0.78) of head nurses and clinical supervisors in two groups did not differ significantly before training. Intervention group had a significant improvement in attitude and knowledge after training compared to the control group. (P<0.05)
Conclusion: Clinical scenario-based education and Reflective thinking was effective in enhancing the knowledge and attitude of nurses towards brain death and organ donation. Thus, it is recommended that nursing managers can consider necessary measures and plans in this regard.
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Article Type: Original Article
ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 17, Issue 5, October 2020, Article No: em233
Publication date: 05 Apr 2020
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