Extra-cutaneous Palatal Malignant Melanoma in Middle-aged Females
Modupeola Omotara Samaila 1
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1 Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Department of Pathology, Zaria


Malignant melanoma of the oral cavity is an uncommon aggressive tumour that preferentially affects elderly males. A twenty-one year (1991-2011) analysis of oral malignant melanoma cases were evaluated. The age range was 27-80 years with a mean of 49.8 years. Symptom duration ranged from 2 months to a year. Examination revealed ulcerated and bleeding grey to black tumours of varying sizes located predominantly in the hard palate in nine cases with lymph nodes (submandibular and cervical) enlargement. Palatal melanoma has a rapid growth rate and most patients present with advanced disease which has poorer prognosis. Its classification and treatment is still based on the cutaneous disease. Early disease is often asymptomatic thus awareness and knowledge of its biological behaviour by attending clinicians will aid prompt diagnosis and also reduce morbidity and mortality of this aggressive tumour.


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Article Type: Original Article

EUR J GEN MED, Volume 10, Issue 3, July 2013, 142-144


Publication date: 09 Jul 2013

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