FAHR SYNDROME: Three cases presenting with psychiatric signs
Murat Gülsün 1 * , Ali Fuat Baykız 2, Serdar Kabataş 3, Hasan Belli 4
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1 Tatvan Military Hospital, Psychiatry Clinic, Bitlis, Turkey2 Elazığ Military Hospital, Psychiatry, Elazığ, Turkey3 Elazığ Military Hospital, Neurosurgery, Elazığ, Turkey4 Clinics, Psychiatry and Neurology Hospital Psychiatry Clinic, Elazığ, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Fahr syndrome, a clinical entity that manifests with various signs and symptoms and has a familial predisposition is characterized by symmetric calcification of basal ganglia. It may present with neuropsychiatric, extrapyramidal and cerebellar symptoms. The etiology has not been defined yet. Three cases of Fahr syndrome; presenting with various clinical signs and psychiatric symptoms are reported in this article. The first case that occured following Brucella treatment and the other two occuring idiopathically are evaluated with a neuropsychiatric approach.


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Article Type: Case Report

EUR J GEN MED, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2006, 35-40


Publication date: 15 Jan 2006

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