Health status of the population living in the zone of influence of radioactive waste repositories
D. J. Janavayev 1 *, Ye. T. Kashkinbayev 1, K. B. Ilbekova 1, Ye. A. Saifulina 1, M. M. Bakhtin 1, M. K. Sharipov 1, P. K. Kazymbet 1
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1 Institute of Radiobiology and Radiation Protection, JSC «Astana Medical University», Kazakhstan* Corresponding Author


To estimate the prevalence of diseases among the population depending on the length of residence in the zone of influence of technogenic factors of radioactive waste storage uranium-processing enterprise in Stepnogorsk.

Material and Methods:
The article presents the results of an observational epidemiological study on the impact of harmful factors of uranium mining enterprises on the health of the population living near radioactive waste storage facilities. The study covers 1,877 adults of both sexes. Group I primary (N=908) were represented by the population living in the villages of the Factory, Quartzite and Aksu, which are located in the surrounding area of the radioactive waste storage uranium-processing enterprises Hydrometallurgical plant of Stepnogorsk city and 972 constituting the control group.

The results revealed a high prevalence of chronic diseases in the population of the main group. Diseases of the circulatory system, respiratory diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue took the largest share in the structure of morbidity of the population of the main group. The pathology of the cardiovascular system, represented by essential arterial hypertension, as well as respiratory diseases, vertebrogenic lumbalgia and osteochondrosis, was the most characteristic for people living near radioactive waste storage facilities.

Living conditions in the zone of influence of radioactive waste repositories determine the wide prevalence among the population of the main group living in the settlements of Zavodskoye and Aksu. The results of the study indicate an almost complete absence of healthy individuals living in the area. Diseases of cardiovascular, respiratory and musculoskeletal systems occupy the first rank places in the structure of disease prevalence among the population of the main group. Length of living near radioactive waste storage affect the formation and character of general somatic morbidity: increase the duration of life in the areas adjacent to the tailings, leading to increased incidence of chronic diseases.


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Article Type: Original Article

ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 16, Issue 6, December 2019, Article No: em176

Publication date: 26 Dec 2019

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