Ileal Inflammatory Fibroid Polyp Causing Ileoileal Intussusception
Selim Sözen 1 * , Abdurrahman Selçuk Uzun 1, Hasan Erdem 1, Koray Daş 1, İlhan Bali 1
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1 Adana Numune Traınıng And Research Hospıtal General Surgery, Adana, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Inflammatory fibroid polyps are uncommon but well documented solitary polypoid lesions occurring in gastrointestinal tract; most commonly in stomach followed by ileum and rarely in colon, duodenum and oesophagus. Polyps in ileum most commonly present with acute intestinal obstruction as a result of intussusception. We describe one case of inflammatory fibroid polyps of the small intestine causing ileoileal intussusception.


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Article Type: Case Report

EUR J GEN MED, Volume 10, Issue 4, October 2013, 236-238

Publication date: 09 Oct 2013

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