Background: Globally, micronutrient use has increased over the last few decades for disease prevention and holistic health. This article has analyzed the worldwide search trends of micronutrients in the Google Trends (GT) platform to understand the significance and correlation of search trends, comparing the search interests across countries and recognizing the factors involved.
Methods: Specific search terms were used to identify the search trends of micronutrients in the GT platform. Statistical analysis was done to evaluate the outcomes of significance and correlation of search terms from 2004 to 2021 by using statistical softwares.
Results: There was a rise in searches for micronutrients vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, & iron from 2004 to June 2021 with a steep increase during 2020 correlating with the COVID-19 pandemic. A stable search has been reported in iron searches. Significance and correlation of vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, & iron over the years and search interest popularity score of countries for micronutrient searches have been described.
Conclusions: The GT tool can be a necessary tool for healthcare communities and government sectors to understand people’s interests, necessities and respond to their concerns accordingly, thus helping us promote population-centric awareness and achieve better evidence-based outcomes.
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Article Type: Review Article
ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 19, Issue 3, June 2022, Article No: em372
Publication date: 07 Mar 2022
Article Views: 1911
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