This is an open non-randomized study designed to evaluate clinical and angiographic short- and long-term results of the EPHESOS stent implantation in 457 patients (M/F=348/109) with unstable angina (UA) or stable angina (SA) and native lesions. In SA group 268 stents were implanted in 231 patients. In UA group 271 stents were implanted in 226 patients. 46% of lesions were complex. The length of stenosis was 12.9±6.7 mm in SA group, and 14.1±7.4 mm in UA group. The rate of long stenosis was 30%. Coronary Stenting success rate appeared to be 99% of cases free from acute thrombosis. 1.3% of patients in UA group suffered a non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI) during the in-hospital period. Major adverse cardiac events (MACE) rate including mortality rate and the occurrence of recurrent angina, MI and restenosis as well as repeat revascularization during 6-month follow-up, was 15.6% in SA group and 18.1% in UA group. Angiographic 6-month control revealed the loss index of 0.22±0.20 in SA group and 0.30±0.27 in UA group. 18-month follow-up did not reveal any significant differences in MACE rate between the groups (21.6% for SA and 22.6% for UA group). These results indicate the efficacy and safety of EPHESOS stent with reasonable rates of stent thrombosis and restenosis in SA and UA patients undergone high risk endovascular interventions.
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Article Type: Original Article
EUR J GEN MED, Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2004, 19-25
Publication date: 15 Jan 2004
Article Views: 1314
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