Intestinal intussusception is a common problem in the children, but in adults, it's very unusual. It's responsible for 1-2% of the intestinal obstruction in adults. Adult intussusception etiology differs from that in pediatric patients. Almost all of such cases are due to organic lesions in the adult. Patients commonly presents with nonspecific signs and symptoms similar to a bowel obstruction. Although it is encountered rarely in adults, physicians should be aware of invagination and consider it in each case of acute abdomen because of the wide spectrum of the clinical settings. We report an adult patient operated on acute appendicitis that was eventually diagnosed as ileocecal intussusseption; by the review of the literature.
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Article Type: Case Report
EUR J GEN MED, Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2012, 56-58
Publication date: 10 Jan 2012
Article Views: 1716
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