Background: Intestinal worm infection brings negative impact in weakening health condition, nutrition, and intelligence. One of the factors that causes intestinal worm infection in pregnant women is the low knowledge of pregnant women about the importance of the food hygiene. This research aims to analyze the correlation between knowledge about intestinal worm infection and helminthiasis of pregnant women.
Method: This study used observational cross sectional design. Samples were taken from the second and third trimester pregnant women in Community Health Center Kemusu 2, Boyolali District, Central of Java, Indonesia, as many as 205, with simple random sampling as the sampling technique. Knowledge about intestinal worm infection was measured by questionnaire of knowledge about intestinal worm infection. Data of intestinal worm infection was obtained from laboratory test with native method. The correlation test between knowledge and helminthiasis used rank Spearman’s rho.
Conclusion: The knowledge about intestinal worm infection was considered low at 43.9% and the subjects that suffered intestinal worm infection (Ascaris lumbricoides) were 37.1%. There is a correlation between knowledge about intestinal worm infection and helminthiasis of pregnant women (p=0.001). The suggestion from this study is that there is a need to improve the level of knowledge about intestinal worm infection by women empowerment and promotive-preventive program improvement, so that it can reduce the risk of intestinal worm infection in pregnant women.
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Article Type: Original Article
ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 17, Issue 3, June 2020, Article No: em215
Publication date: 21 Mar 2020
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