Purpose: Effective cancer pain management involves significant knowledge and proficiency in pain assessment and recording. This study sought to assess nurses' knowledge, behaviors, and perceived impediments to managing cancer-related pain.
Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional design was used. A convenience sample of 502 nurses working in three primary health care sectors in Jordan was selected to ensure national representation. To collect data, an English-language online Google Electronic Form was employed.
Results: Nurses were 86.4% male and 51.4% between 21 and 35. Additionally, 578.8% of nurses were employed in the private sector. The mean knowledge score for cancer pain management was 6.48/14, indicating a knowledge gap in opioid rescue dose deficiency among nurses. According to 68.1% of nurses, the most frequently encountered patient-related hurdle was insufficient expertise in pain control. 75.3%, on the other hand, named insufficient staffing, and 74.7%, opioid regulations as significant health care system impediments. Private hospital nurses score significantly higher than nurses in other hospitals. The degree of expertise varied according to age and pain management training. For 56.8% of nurses, contacting a physician for an opioid prescription is the most delayed action.
Conclusion: Knowledge gaps and impediments to successful cancer pain management were assessed. Additional training in cancer pain treatment is crucial, increasing coordination and communication between doctors and nurses. The survey data assist educators in developing educational techniques, and the least correctly answered answers might aid educators in identifying knowledge gaps.
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Article Type: Short Communication
ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 19, Issue 6, December 2022, Article No: em406
Publication date: 11 Aug 2022
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