Lower lung field tuberculosis (LLF TB) is atypical presentation of tuberculosis. LLF TB is missed routinely because of confusing clinical and radiological presentation and usually these cases initially treated as pneumonia. In this case report, we observed 25 year pregnant female with dysphonia and cough as presenting feature of LLF TB. Chest radiograph was showing ‘typical’ LLF TB pattern with Cavity in lower zone on right side. Sputum examination for acid fast bacilli was positive in higher grades with ‘laryngeal ulcerative lesions’ in direct laryngoscopy examination. She was treated with recommended four drug regimen and documented ‘cure’ at the end of six months. High index of suspicion is must while evaluating these cases and all possible measures to diagnose underlying tuberculosis to have successful treatment outcome.
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Article Type: Case Report
ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 15, Issue 2, April 2018, Article No: em06
Publication date: 09 Jan 2018
Article Views: 1915
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