Aim: About 11-15% of children less than 18 years of age suffer from bronchial asthma that impairs their overall physical ability and reduces heath related quality of life. Therefore, the development of nonpharmacological interventions to prevent asthma, reduce its severity and improve its prognosis is essential. This study compares two types of treatment protocols to determine the efficiency laser acupuncture therapy added to aerobic exercise training and pursed lips breathing in treatment of asthmatic children. Method: Forty asthmatic children, their age ranged between 8 -15 years participated in the study and divided into two groups, group (A) received laser acupuncture therapy, aerobic exercise training plus pursed lips breathing and group (B) received aerobic exercise training plus pursed lips breathing . The program consisted of three sessions per week for two months. Measurements of forced vital capacity (FVC), the forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1), the average of forced expiratory flow at 75-85% of forced vital capacity (FEF 75-85%) and maximum expiratory flow at 50% of forced vital capacity (MEF 50%) and number of asthmatic attacks per week were taken before and after treatment. Result: There was a significant reduction in number of asthmatic attacks per week and improvements in FVC, FEV¬1, FEF 75-85% and MEF 50% in both groups after treatment. However, there was a significant difference between mean levels of the investigated parameters in both groups after treatment. Conclusion: Laser acupuncture therapy added to aerobic exercise training and pursed lips breathing improves treatment of asthmatic children.
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Article Type: Original Article
EUR J GEN MED, Volume 8, Issue 3, July 2011, 200-206
Publication date: 11 Jul 2011
Article Views: 1711
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