Patients are characterized by locally advanced tumours in 70-80% of cases at presentation. Thus, the possibilities for curing and surgical treatment are limited. Total glossectomy, which involves tongue base resection, is associated with severe and permanent disabilities. Total glossectomy leads to severe dysphagia, alalia and social maladjustment. A number of issues motivated us to develop a new method of surgical treatment of locally advanced base of tongue cancer.
To introduce new opportunities for surgical treatment of locally advanced cancer of the tongue base.
Materials and Methods:
Glossectomy was accomplished in five patients suffering from tongue cancer and admitted to N.N. Blokhin National Medical and Research Center of Oncology. Swallowing and speech were preserved in all 5 cases.
We developed a new technique of surgical treatment of locally advanced cancer of the tongue base.
The developed surgical technique allows early rehabilitation. Patients are able to breath effortlessly, swallow and speak. Permanent tracheostomy and PEG tubes are not necessary. All patients remained socially active.
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Article Type: Original Article
ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 16, Issue 1, February 2019, Article No: em104
Publication date: 28 Dec 2018
Article Views: 2087
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