Mean Platelet Volume may be Reflects the Disease Activity of Ulcerative Colitis
Mustafa Güçlü 1 * , Hakan Sakallı 1, Tolga Yakar 1
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1 Başkent University, Faculty of Medicine, Adana, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Aim: To determine the relation between the disease activity of ulcerative colitis and mean platelet volume (MPV) and to evaluate the clinical usage of a more simple and easier determinant. Method: Complete blood count, C-reactive protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation ratio (ESR), serum albumine and prothrombine time were measured in a total of 41 ulcerative colitis patients. The clinic, pathologic, colonoscopic disease activities of ulcerative colitis and the localisation of colonic involvement were designated. Truloeve-Witts score was used for the clinic activity of ulcerative colitis. Result: Eleven patients were in remission (26.8%) and 30 had active disease (73.2%). The mean values were; age: 44.58±15.08 year (20 women, 21 men), CRP: 36.80±32.90 mg/L, ESR: 52.29±31.23 mm/h, albumin: 3.43±0.65 gr/dl, platelets: 400780±161196 K/mm3, MPV: 7.41±1.04 fentoliter (fl), prothrombine time: 13.32±1.05 second, respectively. By the correlation analysis there was a negative significant relation between CRP and MPV (p<0.05). The mean MPV values of the 11 patient in remission were 8.62±1.15 fl. The mean MPV values of the 30 patients who had active disease were 6.97±0.53 fl. The patients having active ulcerative colitis had lower MPV values when compared with the patients who had inactive disease (in remission) (p<0.001). There were negative significant relations between MPV and clinical, pathological aand colonoscopic activity indices (p<0.001). However there was no relation between the extent of the disease involvement and MPV. Conclusion: MPV can reflect the disease activity of ulcerative colitis.


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Article Type: Original Article

EUR J GEN MED, Volume 7, Issue 3, July 2010, 259-263

Publication date: 12 Jul 2010

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