The article studies the morbidity with temporary disability (MWTD) and the assessment of the expected economic loss; identifies the causes of high morbidity and disadaptation in industrial integration of healthcare workers. The study took into consideration the following aspects: age, duration of employment, category and number of morbidity cases, profession and departments in which employees work. The duration (severity of morbidity) and the number of cases of MWTD were established to depend on age and there is a significant increase among workers after 50 years, that may indicate the morbidity as chronic. The results of the distribution analysis of morbidity in individual classes (doctor, nurse, etc.) showed that there is no interrelation between them, but significant are departments and professions. The greatest economic losses are observed in the departments with higher average age and the difference between general and medical duration of employment. The reasons for the high morbidity of WTD at the initial professional stage (0-5 years) include 1) working for a long period as a non-medical specialist; 2) no relationship between occupational choice and personality traits; 3) low professionally important personal qualities. Preventive maintenance to reduce economic losses in the hospital should be aimed at: reducing the average age of workers (attracting young professionals) in departments with high rates; reducing of a significant difference (working as non-medical specialist) between general and medical duration of employment (refresher courses and mentoring); shirting into medium or high rates of professionally important personal qualities of medical specialists (conducting personally-focused trainings).
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Article Type: Original Article
ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 16, Issue 6, December 2019, Article No: em184
Publication date: 26 Dec 2019
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