Abnormal balloon inflation of the endotracheal tube can cause nasopharyngeal symptoms. The objective is to describe Signs and Symptoms caused by the
Abnormal Insufflated Balloon of the Endotracheal Cannula on patients undergoing Cervical Spine Surgery under General Anesthesia.
Descriptive study, 39 patients underwent cervical spine surgery under general anesthesia, all of them were older than 18 years old and ASA I and II. The
pressure balloon inflation of the endotracheal tube was measured by a manual manometer VBM Medizintechnik GmbH, measurements were made at the beginning of
the procedure, and every hour during the transanesthetic period. The patients underwent a questionnaire about their symptoms on the recovery area and 24 hours
after extubation.
39 patients, 59% men, 41% women. Average age was 47, minimum 15 – maximum 77, SD 14.26 years old. The average pressure balloon inflation at the moment
of intubation was 30.7 mmHg and at the moment of extubation was 29.07 mmHg. The symptoms presented on the Recovery Care Unit and at 24 hours were: pain,
inflammation, dysphagia, foreign body sensation.
The pressure balloon inflation of the endotracheal cannula is important, because a pressure greater than 30mmHg produce symptoms. Changes on the
patient’s position produced variations on the balloon pressure; therefore, continuous monitorization of the pressure baloon must be done.
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Article Type: Original Article
EUR J GEN MED, Volume 13, Issue 3, July 2016, 23-26
Publication date: 06 Aug 2016
Article Views: 1496
Article Downloads: 1024
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