Non- Surgical Approach in a Case of Placenta Accreta Complicated by a Pulmonary Embolus
Adnan Incebiyik 1 * , Funda Yalcin 1, Nese Gul Hilali 1, Aysun Camuzcuoglu 1, Hakan Camuzcuoglu 1, Mehmet Vural 1
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1 Harran University Medical Faculty, Sanlıurfa, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Placenta accreta, which is a serious complication of pregnancy that can be treated with a spectrum of treatment methods ranging from medical treatment to hysterectomy, is characterized by the abnormal adherence of the placental tissue to the uterine wall. The presence of a simultaneous pulmonary embolus necessitates more conservative treatment approaches due to anticoagulant treatment and limited lung capacity of the patient. In this case report, a case with these risk factors that was treated with alternative treatment methods rather than surgery is presented and these treatment options are discussed.


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Article Type: Case Report

EUR J GEN MED, Volume 12, Issue 1, January 2015, 70-73

Publication date: 07 Jan 2015

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