Nurses’ knowledge, motivation, behaviors, and information sources on antibiotic use and resistance in Jordan
Sawsan Abuhammad 1 * , Hamza Ababneh 2
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1 Department of Maternal and Child Health, Faculty of Nursing, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, JORDAN2 Faculty of Pharmacy, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, JORDAN* Corresponding Author


Aim: This study aims to examine the nurse knowledge, motivation, and behavior about antibiotics and antibiotic resistance. A secondary objective was to study the preferred information sources used by Jordanian nurses, as well as their knowledge of the information available to promote rational prescription practices in the Jordanian health system.
Method: The study was cross-sectional in design and nurses (n=1,093) completed an online survey using Google Forms. Participation in the study was completely optional, and participants were free to drop out at any point. During the months of February-May 2022, nurses were asked to participate in a survey
Results: The study found 48.2% of nurses given prescribed antibiotics to the patients daily or multiple times a day in the preceding week; 13.3% of nurses provided support on daily or more frequent antibacterial drugs use or infection management. The reason for not giving advice regarding antibiotics were no leaflet regarding the use of the antibiotics (42.3%) and the patients do not get attention for the information (30.4%).
Conclusion: In conclusion, the findings of this study show that public health actions are needed (e.g., educational or communication campaigns). Nurses must be educated on the proper use of antibiotics and the emergence of antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic stewardship can benefit from the findings, which can be used to develop interventions aimed at improving antibiotic usage.


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Article Type: Original Article

ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 20, Issue 1, February 2023, Article No: em423

Publication date: 01 Jan 2023

Online publication date: 24 Oct 2022

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