Our results in surgical treatment of hydatid cyst of the lungs
Abidin Şehitoğulları 1 *
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1 Van State Hospital Department of Thoracic Surgery, Van, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Aim: The cases of pulmonary hydatid cysts are frequently seen especially in Eastern Anatolia Region because the living source is stock-breeding. We aimed to discuss 102 patients operated with the diagnosis of pulmonary hydatid cyst in 2.5 years’ period. The patients with hydatid cyst disease who were applied to our clinic, were evaluated in light of literature. Methods: 102 patients were diagnosed with hydatid cyst clinically and radiologically between June 2002 and January 2005. Their ages ranged between 4-65 years with the mean age of 23 years. Thoracotomy was applied to all patients. Results: Cyst localization was unilateral in 96 and bilateral in 6 of them. 10 patients had also cyst in the liver. Cyst was perforated in 56% of the patients. Enucleation was applied in 3 patients, cystectomy in 3 patients and cystotomy+capitonnage was applied to the remaining. In bilateral cases, operation was applied to the other side after one month from the first operation. Percutaneous drainage was applied in coordination with radiology department in the presence of hepatic hydatid cyst. In these cases and in the presence of multipl cysts, albendazole treatment was applied. Lower lobectomy (2 right, 1 left) was performed in 3 cases. No mortality or recurrence was observed. Conclusion: Cystotomy+capitonnage is still the most valid surgical method in pulmonary hydatid cyst cases because it is a method preserving the parenchyma


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Article Type: Original Article

EUR J GEN MED, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2007, 5-8


Publication date: 15 Jan 2007

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