Paediatric sedation during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy: Comparison of propofol + ketamine vs sodium thiopental + fentanyl
Alireza Takzare 1 2, Mehrdad Goudarzi 1, Anahid Maleki 1, Alireza Ebrahim Soltani 1 * , Fariba Kaheh 1, Sagar Arab 1, Ebrahim Espahbodi 1
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1 MD, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran2 Anaesthesiology Department, Children’s Hospital Medical Centre, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran* Corresponding Author


Different drug regimens can be used for management of anxiety before endoscopy. This study aimed to compare the sedation effects of propofol+ketamine (PK) and sodium thiopental+fentanyl (TF) in children during upper gastrointestinal (UGI) endoscopy.

A triple-blind clinical trial was conducted on 88 children aged 2-12 years who were candidate for UGI endoscopy at Children’s Medical Centre, Tehran, Iran, during 2012-2013. It was administered propofol (2.1 mg/kg) + ketamine (1 mg/kg) and 100% oxygen in PK group, and thiopental (5 mg/kg) + fentanyl (1 mg/kg) in TF group. The haemodynamic status and degree of sedation by Ramsay’s criteria were measured.

The mean age in PK and TF groups was 92.2±38.2 and 98.6±49.5 months, respectively. The systolic blood pressure and heart rate significantly increased and decreased in PK and TF groups during the procedure, respectively. The frequency of Ramsay's Sedation Scales of 5 and 6 were respectively 72.7% and 27.3% for PF, and 54.5% and 45.5% for TF group (p=0.076).

Although both groups were similar in the degree of sedation, PK can be a more appropriate choice for sedation in children with special diseases undergoing endoscopy due to small changes in haemodynamic parameters and, consequently, their higher stability.


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Article Type: Original Article

ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 15, Issue 6, December 2018, Article No: em99

Publication date: 10 Dec 2018

Online publication date: 14 Jul 2018

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