Pattern of sensitivity to respiratory allergens in patients with sinonasal polyposis
Soheila Nikakhlagh 1, Farhad Abolnejadian 2, Nader Saki 1, Leila Sistani Karmpour 3 *
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1 Associated Prof of otolaryngology, Hearing research center, Ahvaz Jundishapur university of medical sciences, Ahvaz, Iran2 Assistant Prof of Clinical Immunology and allergy, Ahvaz jundishapur university of medical sciences, Ahvaz, Iran3 Otolaryngologist, Hearing research center, Ahvaz jundishapur university of medical sciences, Ahvaz, Iran* Corresponding Author


Background & Aim:
Sinonasal polyposis is the existence of a nontumoral mass inside the nose and paranasal sinuses which can lead to nasal obstruction and other annoying problems for the patient. Since the pathogenesis of this disease and the involved factors in severity of symptoms has remained unknown, the present study has proceeded to evaluate the Pattern of sensitivity to respiratory allergens in patients with sinonasal polyposis.

Methods & Materials:
This observational study was a descriptive cross sectional study evaluating 77 patients with sinonasal polyposis from May 2014 to April 2015. The demographic data, history of signs related to allergy in the patient and his/her family was collected and recorded. The concentrations of serum specific IgE were measured.

Seventy-seven patients with sinonasal polyposis including 25 women (32.5%) with average age of 42.48± 13.43 years and 52 men (67.5%) with average age of 43.40±13.57 years were evaluated. The present study showed that the result of allergen test was positive in 32 men (61.54%) and 20 women (80%). Also, the results showed that the allergen test was negative in 25 patients (32.47%), in 6 cases (7.79%) only one allergen was positive, the results of allergen test in 46 patients (59.74%), for at least two allergens were positive. The highest numbers of positive allergens in a patient was 28. The most allergen observed in patients included plane tree 23 (29.9%), Kochia 22 (28.6%), Alternaria alternaria 20 (26%), Pigweed 20 (26%).

Our results indicate that there are correlations between aeroallergen and clinical signs in individuals with sinonasal polyposis, and the possibility of allergic background can be considered in encountering with such patients, although these cases need specific studies with larger sample sizes.


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Article Type: Original Article

ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 16, Issue 2, April 2019, Article No: em134

Publication date: 22 Apr 2019

Online publication date: 28 Dec 2018

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