It is a known fact that diabetes can mostly be prevented or delayed with health-promoting and protective lifestyle changes in people at high risk of diabetes. In addition, awareness of the risk of diabetes in the relatives of individuals with diabetes may also contribute to the prevention of the disease. This study was carried out to determine the relationship between perceived and actual diabetes risk level with promotive and protective health behaviors in relatives of individuals with type 2 diabetes. This cross-sectional study included 596 individuals. Of the participants, 62.7% stated that they perceive their risk of developing diabetes at a high-very high level in the next 10 years. The participants had promotive and protective health behaviors at a moderate level. No significant difference was found between the perceived diabetes risk level and promotive and protective health behaviors. Health professionals should take more responsibility for risk identification and risk management.
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Article Type: Original Article
ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 19, Issue 6, December 2022, Article No: em403
Publication date: 31 Jul 2022
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