Pregnant and Newborn Health in COVID-19 Pandemic: Knowledge level, Attitude and Perspective of Obstetricians & Gynecologists and Pediatricians in Turkey (A Survey-based Study)
Irem Senyuva 1 * , Bora Baysal 2
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1 Usak Training and Research Hospital-Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, TURKEY2 Usak University Medical Faculty- Department of Child Disease, TURKEY* Corresponding Author


Objective: The COVID-19 is a rapidly ongoing pandemic. 368.513 cases and 10.027 fatalities have been reported in Turkey up to this day. Pregnant women and newborns constitute a special patient group in this disease. In our study, we aimed to measure the knowledge level, attitude to protective measures, perspective of education and medicolegal issues of obstetricians - gynecologists (OB-GYN) and pediatricians on pregnant and newborn health about COVID-19.
Material-Methods: A cross-sectional, online-survey consisted of 22 questions. Age, academic degree, duration of the profession in the first three questions, level of knowledge about COVID-19 in the next 14 questions, attitude to protective measures, perspective of education and medicolegal issues in the last five questions were queried.
Results: The questionnaire was applied to 145 physicians. 65.5% of them were pediatricians, 34.4% were OB-GYN. The level of having adequate knowledge about COVID-19 was determined as 44% and 34.7% for OB-GYN and pediatricians. No statistically significant relationship was found between the way of acquiring knowledge and academic degree in both physician groups (p>0.05).
Positive attitude of OB-GYN about preventive measures during - after the pandemic were 94% - 90%, 96.8% - 92.6% for pediatricians. The positive perspective of education and medicolegal measures were determined 72% and 80 % for OB-GYN, 80% and 94.7% for pediatricians.
Conclusion: Current education related to clinic approach- treatment algoritms about COVID-19 on pregnant and newborn health should be increased for OB-GYN and pediatricians, legal arrangements should be made to make them feel safe.


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Article Type: Original Article

ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 18, Issue 3, June 2021, Article No: em287

Publication date: 14 Apr 2021

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