To distinguish peculiarities of subjective time perception and dominant emotion in persons with ischemic violations of cerebellar circulation and heart disease.
A chronometric sample method using an electronic chronoscope; the form and level of anxiety in accordance with the method of C. Spielberg, Y. Hanin “Scale of the level of reactive and personal anxiety”; methods of mathematical statistics: descriptive statistics, methods for determining the mean arithmetic deviation and the use of correlation relations between the value of the individual unit time of the individual and the form and level of anxiety.
It has been experimentally proved that patients with coronary heart disease (I20 for ICD10) predominate in the range of the continuous spectrum of “τ-types”: 0.8 s <τ <0.86 s, and their dominant emotion provoking exacerbation of the disease is a high level of situational anxiety; Patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disorder (cerebral infarction) (I63 for ICD-10) are mainly localized in the range of the continuous spectrum of “τ-types”: 0.94 s <τ <1.0 s, and their dominant emotion provoking exacerbation of the disease is high level of personal anxiety. Levels of anxiety in these categories of patients are consistent with the duration of the biological cycle of a human, who suffers from ischemic disorders.
Experimentally proved the holistic view of psychosomatic unity of a person from the position of “locus minoris resistentiae”. The exacerbation of the ischemic cerebrovascular disorders manifestation and heart disease is consistent with the duration of the biological cycle of the individual’s life from the standpoint of the relational concept of time, and the emotional factor is dominant in the course of cardiopulmonary and cerebrovascular diseases, which confirms the effectiveness of the concept of psychosomatic diseases course chronopsychological prediction.
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Article Type: Original Article
ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 16, Issue 6, December 2019, Article No: em157
Publication date: 15 Nov 2019
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