Recurrence of Primary Cardiac Rhabdomyosarcoma without Methastasis Two Years After Surgery
Hakki Simsek 1, Musa Sahin 2, Hasan Ali Gumrukcuoglu 3 * , Mustafa Tuncer 3, Yilmaz Gunes 3
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1 Osmaniye State Hospital, Cardiology Department, Osmaniye, Turkey2 Bitlis State Hospital, Cardiology Department, Bitlis, Turkey3 Yuzuncu Yil University, Faculty of Medicine, Cardiology Department, Van, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Primary malignant cardiac tumors are rare. Rhabdomyosarcoma is the most common of these lesions. These tumors usually arise from the ventricular walls. They sometimes arise from the atrial walls and mimic atrioventricular valve stenosis. A case of recurrence of primary cardiac rhabdomyosarcoma without metastasis to other organs in a 34 year old woman is presented. The tumor arose from the posterior wall of the left atrium and extended to the posterior mitral valve leaflet. Histopathology confirmed recurrence of the cardiac rhabdomyosarcoma. Although cardiac rhabdomyosarcomas are highly lethal, operation indicated. Clarify diagnosis, relieve symptoms and improve survive intracardiac mass must be excision as as extensively as possible in these cases in order to prevent recurrence of tumor.


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Article Type: Case Report

EUR J GEN MED, Volume 9, Issue 2, April 2012, 146-148

Publication date: 10 Apr 2012

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