Сross-analysis of big data in accreditation of health specialists
Marina B. Chelyshkova 1 * , Tatyana V. Semenova 2, Natalia N. Naydenova 1 3, Evgeniy M. Dorozhkin 4, Aleksey A. Malygin 5, Vasiliy V. Akhunov 1
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1 First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, Moscow, Russia2 Ministry of Health, Moscow, Russia3 Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “Institute for Strategy of Education”, Moscow, Russia4 Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg, Russia5 Ivanovo State University, Ivanovo, Russia* Corresponding Author


The relevance of this study is due to the mass accreditation of health professionals that is developing in Russia, which requires innovative measurement tools and opens new opportunities for a well-founded cross-analysis of specialists’ professional readiness quality. Purpose of the study: The purpose of this article is to present approved methodical approaches to the transformation of accreditation data into a format suitable for secondary analysis of medical schools graduates quality based on the requirements of Professional Standards.

The leading methods of secondary data analysis are: a) codification of indicators in the primary data accumulation array; b) statistical processing of study results (evaluation of the relationships between the arrays of primary data accumulation and instrumental data, the correlation of test scores obtained by accreditation results with the labor functions of Professional Standards); c) the creation of representative samples for data analysis. The implementation of methods is carried out in the mode of working with arrays of big data, which also uses the method of cross-analysis to identify additional factors that affect to specialists’ professional readiness quality.

As a results of the research, there were: 1) approaches to the codification of data in the array and their secondary analysis were developed; 2) three samples were constructed with an estimation of representativeness for different strata, including subjects, assignments and corresponding labor functions; 3) the matrix of primary data in the specialty “Pediatrics” was verified using the example of the results of students from 50 medical universities in Russia.

Approbation of methods of secondary data analysis conducted on representative samples of the subjects showed the effectiveness of the developed approaches that should be used when analyzing large data sets in the procedures of certification or accreditation. The materials of the article can be useful for specialists in the field of assessing the quality of education or assessing the professional readiness of health professionals, managers, professors and pedagogical staff of medical schools, specialists of centers for independent assessment of qualifications.


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Article Type: Original Article

ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 15, Issue 5, October 2018, Article No: em72


Publication date: 15 Jul 2018

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