Sleep Quality and Atherogenic Risk in Sleep Apnea Patients
Jarosław Wysocki 1 2, Jarosław Balcerzak 1, Monika Prus 1, Kazimierz Niemczyk 1, Magdalena Lachowska 1 *
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1 Medical University of Warsaw, Department of Otolaryngology, Warsaw, Poland,2 Institute of Health, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Department of Dietetics and Food Evaluation, Poland* Corresponding Author


Some studies have shown the atherogenic dyslipidemia as being sometimes independent of the obesity; however, with a close relation to the obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The aim of this study was to investigate a relationship between parameters defining the quality of sleep and the standard lipid profile despite the obesity.

The data of 211 patients with suspected OSA were analyzed prospectively. The following tests were performed: polysomnography, morphometric assessment and serum lipid levels.

Value of AHI showed a positive correlation with TG, TG/HDL ratio, BMI, plasma atherogenic index (API), circumference of neck, waist, and hip, and WHR. A negative correlation was found between AHI and HDL. The patients with severe OSA (AHI>30) differ significantly from the patients with moderate and mild OSA in terms of TG, and the ratio of TG /HDL and API and they are, therefore, in the group of much higher risk of cardiovascular disease. Significant predictors of the severity of sleep apnea are as follow: the ratio of TG/HDL, BMI and the neck circumference. The arousal index was the only parameter of the sleep quality significantly associated with the level of TG.

The most important parameters of the quality of sleep that determine atherogenic risk are AHI and arousal index that are significantly correlated with TG/HDL ratio. Particularly, high risk of cardiologic problems applies to patients with AHI>30 who substantially differ in terms of lipid profile from the patients with mild or moderate OSA. Arousal index significantly distinguishes patients with AHI> 30 from the other groups of patients.


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Article Type: Original Article

EUR J GEN MED, Volume 13, Issue 1, January 2016, 28-36

Publication date: 16 Jan 2016

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