Renal cholesterol crystal embolism (also called renal atheroembolism) is a cause of acute kidney injury with increasing frequency. It is usually seen in patients older than 60 years of age with diffuse atherosclerotic disease. Although it develops usually following vascular interventions; it may occur spontaneously. It presents with partial or total occlusion of small arteries due to distal embolization from cholesterol crystals from ruptured atherosclerotic plaques. It is in fact a part of systemic disease called cholesterol crystal embolization disease affecting kidneys, eyes, brain and gastrointestinal system. Livedo reticularis, especially purple discoloration of toes are clues for diagnosis. The pathognomonic finding of renal cholesterol crystal embolism is the cholesterol crystal clefts in renal biopsy specimen. Herein, we present a atypical case of acute kidney injury due to spontaneous cholesterol crystal embolization in a patient with functionally solitary kidney.
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Article Type: Case Report
EUR J GEN MED, Volume 11, Issue 2, April 2014, 126-129
Publication date: 15 Apr 2014
Article Views: 1589
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