Spontaneus Coronary Artery Disection Resulted From Severe Smoking and Prolonged Insomnia
M. Bilal Çeğin 1, Cemalettin Aydın 2
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1 Gaziosmanpasa University, School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, Tokat, Turkey2 Istanbul Medeniyet University Faculty of Medicine, Goztepe Research and Training Hospital, Department of Dermatology, Istanbul, Turkey


Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) is rarely observed. Percent of 80 has not additional risk factor for coronary artery diseases and observed in young women who uses oral contraceptive or during peripartium period. This case is SCAD in a male patient who presents with symptoms suggestive acute myocardial ischemia and is under severe smoking and prolonged insomnia.


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Article Type: Case Report

EUR J GEN MED, Volume 10, Issue Supplement 1, 2013, 53-54


Publication date: 09 Jan 2013

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