The objective of this study is to carry out a retrospective analysis of patients in our clinic who underwent surgery for maxillofacial trauma. The retrospective analysis was carried out on data of 110 inpatients with maxillofacial trauma that were treated. The distribution of maxillofacial traumas according to facial bones (maxilla, zygoma, orbita, mandibular, and nasal) was examined. Multi-fragmented fractures of the maxilla anterior wall, orbital base fractures and isolated zygomatic arch fractures were treated with a balloon treatment method by Foley catheter. A total of 161 fracture were treated that 82 (74.54 %) were male and 28 (25.45 %) were female. Of these patients, 11 (10%) were in the pediatric age group (0–16). The etiology of maxillofacial traumas was examined, as 45 cases were traffic accidents, 32 cases were blows, 30 cases were falling, and 3 were firearm injuries respectively. The anatomic localizations of the maxillofacial fracture were 68 (42.23%) mandibula, 36 (22.36%) maxilla fractures, 21 (13.04%) zygoma fractures, and 26 (16.14%) orbita fractures (naso-orbital or naso-orbito-etmoidal fractures were included). Maxilla fractures were most frequently observed with other facial fractures. Zygoma fractures were also generally observed together with multi-fragmented fractures. The balloon treatment was found very effective to stabilize of multi-fragmented fractures of the maxilla anterior wall, orbita base fractures and zygomatic arch fractures. Since maxillofacial fractures may be seen in many patients who apply to hospitals due to traumas, sufficient experience of doctors working in this field is an important factor in decreasing mortality and morbidity. The most frequent patients are males aged 30 to 40 with maxillofacial trauma caused by a traffic accident, a sports accident, or a blow. Retrospective or epidemiological studies similar to our study are very beneficial for the determination of risk groups, specific precautions, and practical and effective treatment methods.
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Article Type: Original Article
EUR J GEN MED, Volume 9, Issue 4, October 2012, 258-264
Publication date: 10 Oct 2012
Article Views: 1606
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