The Association Between Polymorphism of Lys198Asn of Endothelin-1 Gene and Arterial Hypertension Risk in Kazakh People
A.U. Dzholdasbekova 1, A.E. Gaipov 2 *
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1 National Research Institute of Cardiology and Internal Diseases of Ministry of Health of Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan2 National Scientific Medical Centre of Ministry of Health of Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan* Corresponding Author


Aim: We researched frequency distribution of genotypes and alleles Lys198Asn of polymorphism of endothelin -1 gene associated with arterial hypertension development in Kazakh people Method: The research included 120 patients suffering arterial hypertension of 2-3 degree, average, high and very high degree of risk, and control group included 80 actually healthy person of Kazakh nationality. Result: The research discovered that development of arterial hypertension in the present ethnic group associated with polymorphism of endothelin-1 gene. Conclusion: At that, allele 198Asn and AsnAsn genotype of endothelin-1 gene act as marker of increased risk of arterial hypertension development.


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Article Type: Original Article

EUR J GEN MED, Volume 7, Issue 2, April 2010, 187-191

Publication date: 12 Apr 2010

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