The control of the port site bleedings with Foley catheter in obese patients
Kazım Gemici 1, Ahmet Okuş 1, Yusuf Tanrıkulu 1 *
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1 Konya, Turkey* Corresponding Author


The control of port site bleedings (PSB) is particularly difficult in obese patients. PSB can lead to morbidity via inhibiting the minimally invasive features of laparoscopic surgery such as the increase in the incision size. PSB can be controlled by Foley catheter. PSB has been observed in four patients with body mass index >35 and the bleeding cannot be prevented with different hemostasis techniques (for instance cauterization, etc.). Bleeding can be controlled upon placing the Foley catheter and then the balloon was inflated and putting it to the traction in the port site. Umbilical cord clamp was used instead of traditional methods for traction. In addition to the hemostatic effect of traction, the effect of compression of the umbilical clamp contributed to hemostasis. Catheter was removed after 24-36 hours. Bleeding did not occur again upon the usage of Foley catheter in these patients. Foley catheter traction is an easy and efficient hemostatic technique in patients with PSB.


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Article Type: Case Report

EUR J GEN MED, Volume 13, Issue 4, October 2016, 101-102

Publication date: 03 Dec 2016

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