The effect of self-care education on knowledge and function of patients with heart failure hospitalized in Kerman city hospitals in (2017)
Laleh Loghmani 1 * , Mahmood Beheshti Monfared 2
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1 PhD Nursing, Assistant Professor Bam Medical Science University Bam Iran2 MD. Cardiovascular Surgeon Shahid Beheshti Medical Science University, Tehran, Iran* Corresponding Author


In patients with heart failure, increasing awareness and performance (function) should be the primary focus of care and treatment. The most common intra-hospital death for patients with heart problems is heart failure. Recent research has shown that improving the quality of treatment can reduce the risk of mortality due to heart failure. However, the knowledge and function of patients with heart failure are often lower than normal.

Materials and Methods:
This research is an experimental study that was carried out in pre-test and post-test form in two groups of control and case in hospitalized patients in Kerman city hospitals. To this end, 150 patients with heart failure were selected according to the characteristics of the studied units and were randomly assigned into control and case groups. The units were examined in two stages, one month before and after education, using questionnaires to determine the educational needs and the performance evaluation checklist by the use of SPSSS. Then, the data were analyzed using statistical methods.

The findings of this study showed that self-care education, regarding p=0.000 was effective on cardiac patients’ awareness and function and a significant difference was seen before and after education. Among demographic variables, only patients with a history of admission and exercise had better care than others.

Education for patients with heart failure increases their awareness and function, and as a result, they would have a better care of themselves, and the recurrence of illness and re-admission, and the cost of treatments and the absence of work and the emergence of economic and social problems will be prevented.


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Article Type: Original Article

ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 15, Issue 4, August 2018, Article No: em47

Publication date: 05 Apr 2018

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