In this study we investigated the effectiveness of working memory computer assisted program teaching on improving executive functions and reading performance of students with reading disorder.
Due to the nature of issue, the semi-experimental method and pretest - posttest with control group was used. The population of present study consisted of 20 boy students’ with reading disorder in the third and fourth grade of primary school in the Tehran city .The students were selected by using sampling method and randomly assigned to experimental and control groups.
Subjects consistently were evaluated by performance tests (Rosvold, Mirsky, Sarason, Bransom and Beck 1965), computerized version of London Tower (Morris, Ahmad, Saiyed & Tone, 1993), Stroop Test (Stroop, 1935), Testing Memory of Cornoldi, (Cornoldi, & Vecchia, 1995) and Reading tests (Azizian & Abedi, 2003). Experimental group passed the computer assisted program of working memory (Bokharaeian, 2010) in the 20 session which the duration of each session was 45 minutes.
The results of T-test showed that there is significant difference on post-test in the executive function and reading progress of students with reading disorders .The results also indicated that working memory computer assisted program is effective for improving executive functions and reading progress of students with reading disorder.
Teaching and paying attention to the executive functions as the underlying neuropsychological functions can be expressed as new approach for the treatment of especial learning disorders.
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Article Type: Original Article
ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 16, Issue 2, April 2019, Article No: em123
Publication date: 22 Apr 2019
Online publication date: 07 Aug 2018
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