The purpose of this study is to evaluate the unity of renal artery stenosis and peripheral vascular disease and to find the frequency of incidental renal artery stenosis in the patients with peripheral vascular disease. In this study,it was included 1502 patients that were sent from cardiovascular surgery department to radiology department to do lower extremity digital substraction angiography and found on at least one segment 50% stenosis and more. The arteries of lower extremity were evaluated by dividing into three segments as aortoiliac, femoropopliteal and infrapopliteal. Segments were classified as unisegment and multisegment. Multisegments were named aortoiliac+femoropopliteal, aortoiliac+infrapopliteal, femoropopliteal+infrapopliteal and aortoiliac+femoropopliteal+ infrapopliteal. Patients with 50% stenosis and more of renal artery are decided. The unity of renal artery stenosis and the segmental disease of peripheral artery were compared by using Chi-Square test. It was found evident renal artery stenosis in 228 (15.2%) of 1502 patients with peripheral vascular disease. The frequency of renal artery stenosis was found lesser at unisegment disease than multisegment disease (p=0.03). The renal artery stenosis was found 11.9% unisegment and %16.4 at multisegment disease. The frequency of renal artery stenosis was appeared less at infrapopliteal (6%) disease compared to the others (p=0.027). It was not found any difference between groups when the segmental groups of peripheral vascular disease was compared with right, left and bilateral renal artery stenosis (p=0.086, p=0.219). It was found higher rate of renal artery stenosis at women (23.6%, p=0.01). The frequency of renal artery stenosis is %15,2 in the patients with peripheral vascular disease. Renal artery stenosis is less at infrapopliteal segment disease. Renal artery stenosis in women is more than men at multisegment disease compared to unisegment disease.
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Article Type: Original Article
EUR J GEN MED, Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2012, 1-6
Publication date: 10 Jan 2012
Article Views: 1395
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