Introduction: The relationships among electronic devices (e-devices) use, insomnia, and psychological distress are complex. This study aimed to examine the relationships between e-devices use and the outcomes of insomnia and psychological distress with insomnia and psychological as mediators.
Design: This is a correlational study utilized cross-sectional data on hours of e-devices use, insomnia, and psychological distress from 485 randomly selected Jordanian adolescents. The PROCESS macro for SPSS was used for the aim of this study.
Results: The hours of e-devices use predicted psychological distress. The results of mediation analysis showed that the relationship between the hours of e-devices use, and insomnia was mediated by psychological distress scores (indirect effect size=.0462 with 95% confidence interval (CI) .0095 and .0837). However, the relationship between the hours of e-devices use and psychological distress was not mediated by insomnia (indirect effect size=.0247 with 95% CI -.0063 and .0569).
Conclusion: The hours of e-devices use may exert its effect on insomnia through psychological distress, which may lead to insomnia. This data does not support the hypothesis that insomnia may mediate the relationship between e-devices use and psychological distress. Further research on this topic is warranted. The study supports policymakers and a collaborative team of parents, educators, and health professionals to prevent the harmful effects of excessive e-devices.
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ELECTRON J GEN MED, Volume 19, Issue 5, October 2022, Article No: em393
Publication date: 15 Jul 2022
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How to cite this article
Atoum MH, Al-Rawashdeh S, Al-Hawamdih S, Atoum H, Atoum D, Al Atoum S, et al. The psychological distress mediates the relationship between electronic devices use and insomnia in adolescents. ELECTRON J GEN MED. 2022;19(5):em393. https://doi.org/10.29333/ejgm/12231
Atoum, M. H., Al-Rawashdeh, S., Al-Hawamdih, S., Atoum, H., Atoum, D., Al Atoum, S., & Almwajeh, A. (2022). The psychological distress mediates the relationship between electronic devices use and insomnia in adolescents. Electronic Journal of General Medicine, 19(5), em393. https://doi.org/10.29333/ejgm/12231
Atoum MH, Al-Rawashdeh S, Al-Hawamdih S, et al. The psychological distress mediates the relationship between electronic devices use and insomnia in adolescents. ELECTRON J GEN MED. 2022;19(5), em393. https://doi.org/10.29333/ejgm/12231
Atoum, Maysoun H, Sami Al-Rawashdeh, Sajidah Al-Hawamdih, Hadeel Atoum, Dina Atoum, Souhair Al Atoum, and Arwa Almwajeh. "The psychological distress mediates the relationship between electronic devices use and insomnia in adolescents". Electronic Journal of General Medicine 2022 19 no. 5 (2022): em393. https://doi.org/10.29333/ejgm/12231
Atoum, M. H., Al-Rawashdeh, S., Al-Hawamdih, S., Atoum, H., Atoum, D., Al Atoum, S., and Almwajeh, A. (2022). The psychological distress mediates the relationship between electronic devices use and insomnia in adolescents. Electronic Journal of General Medicine, 19(5), em393. https://doi.org/10.29333/ejgm/12231
Atoum, Maysoun H et al. "The psychological distress mediates the relationship between electronic devices use and insomnia in adolescents". Electronic Journal of General Medicine, vol. 19, no. 5, 2022, em393. https://doi.org/10.29333/ejgm/12231